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Data Source Profile

This file defines data source connection information.

Define profile in independent YAML files

You could create independent YAML files to define data sources and set the filePath in the profiles option in the project config(vulcan.yaml):

# pg-profile.yaml
- name: pg
type: pg
allow: '*'
user: vulcan
password: secret
database: vulcan
port: 5432

# duck-profile.yaml
- name: duckdb
type: duckdb
persistent-path: ./test-data/moma.db
log-queries: true
log-parameters: true
allow: '*'

# vulcan.yaml (project config)
pg: '@vulcan-sql/extension-driver-pg'
duckdb: '@vulcan-sql/extension-driver-duckdb'

- ./pg-profile.yaml
- ./duck-profile.yaml

You should make sure you have installed the required data source driver package and declared the module name under the extensions in the project config(vulcan.yaml).

Profile fields

These fields are needed to be filled in:

  • name - This data source name should match with the value in the profiles/profile field according to API Schema.
  • type - It's the data source from the extension package name, such as @vulcan-sql/extension-driver-[data source].
  • connection - The information needed to connect to the data source, and you should check what connection fields are needed in each external extension, e.g: @vulcan-sql/extension-driver-pg.
  • allow - This allows VulcanSQL to be able to query data from different data sources according to autorization rules. There are some examples in the section of profiles / profile fields in API Schema. You could check out the Authorization to understand more about the allow configuration.